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Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Experience the multitude of advantages that come with indulging in a Brazilian Lymphatic drainage massage. This massage technique works wonders in kickstarting the circulation and decreased swelling throughout the body by flushing out toxins and waste products, resulting in a thorough detoxification process. By giving your lymphatic system a much-needed boost this massage can help strengthen your immune system and enhance your overall health. The rhythmic strokes will leave you feeling revitalized and rejuvenated. 




​If you have any of the below conditions please do not book this service.

1. Any metastatic or systemic malignant condition must be excluded from MLD.

2. MLD is not suited for the treatment of acute inflammation (caused by bacteria, viruses or foreign bodies).

3. Any thrombosis at risk of causing embolism is an absolute contraindication.

Moreover, precautions are required if MLD is used in the following conditions:

a. Edema following carcinoma treatment

b. Thyroid dysfunction

c. Chronic inflammation

d. Bronchial asthma

e. Hypotension

f. Edema caused by cardiac decompensation should not be drained manually, as this may exacerbate such decompensation

g. Diabetes

Please get clearance from your medical doctor before booking MLD.

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